Map Ranking


Tribe name:Dharma
Number of members:15
Points of the best 15 players229.074
Total points:229.074
Average points:15.272
Preferred languages:
Opponents defeated: 50.582 (21.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
cava 1 40,125 8 9
don fordone 2 30,853 17 7
condone 3 25,641 28 8
seeyabby 4 14,893 74 4
DashSlashTug 5 13,867 79 4
MrrGhost 6 14,020 83 4
VigneswaranM 7 18,012 85 5
Shakk 8 12,583 93 4
BankSuperHard 9 11,186 104 4
makkw1 10 10,957 108 4
Nappy Nobler 11 10,983 110 4
Mr-Greg 12 6,935 186 3
Skunk- New Purple Power 13 6,804 191 3
WhiteR0 14 6,780 192 3
Kornik Krul 15 5,435 217 2
The Dharma and Darma (Department of Heuristics And Research on Material Applications) Initiative was a scientific research project that had a large presence on the Island between the 1970s and the early 1990s. The project is represented by variations of an octagonal logo, a variation of the Ba Gua, which comes from Taoist mysticism.

The Initiative's general goal was to manipulate scientific laws in order to change any of the six factors of the Valenzetti Equation, a sequence that was believed to have some connection to the date marking the end of humanity, in hopes of delaying such a date
