Map Ranking

Unreliable Greek Players

Unreliable Greek Players
Opponents defeated: 4.809.440 (21.)
Tribe: SMS.

Villages (135) Coordinates Points
591|485 10.665
601|469 9.828
559|378 9.431
01 Noble Incoming ***
588|452 10.636
592|438 10.053
010 Palagi
603|463 10.393
011 Palagii
603|465 9.566
564|385 5.062
013 djeng's village
598|454 10.052
565|384 4.270
589|479 10.651
566|385 4.356
564|381 8.204
017 Mr. Sandman, Dream Me a Drea
602|481 10.171
598|475 10.793
02 Noble Incoming ***
593|449 10.280
589|457 10.393
592|469 10.171
023 Mr.Abso's village
571|420 10.263
594|485 10.212
025 noway
564|411 10.651
560|408 10.639
03 Noble Incoming ***
593|448 10.416
030 bacville 01
574|414 10.255
031 dr
560|409 11.321
033 doctor
559|404 10.665
034 WiseFluffer's village
594|467 10.393
037 LordCaim14's village
555|384 9.478
038 MCity's village
558|389 10.887
04 Noble Incoming ***
591|445 10.636
041 1st timer's village
600|468 10.629
05 Noble Incoming ***
599|440 10.636
056 joaoprotasio13's village
566|406 10.629
06 Noble Incoming ***
600|441 10.298
063 Sami-KL
567|380 10.361
07 Noble Incoming ***
596|448 10.289
09 Noble Incoming ***
599|449 10.636
10 Noble Incoming ***
599|451 10.298
23 ZmAjA oD BoSnE
562|381 6.662
Back from the dead
648|520 5.419
F**k the society 001
590|493 10.209
F**k the society 002
590|492 10.209
F**k the society 003
587|493 10.209
F**k the society 004
593|491 10.209
F**k the society 008
590|495 10.209
F**k the society 009
588|495 10.209
556|385 8.453
Firehouse 01
556|384 3.855
Firehouse 02
556|387 4.677
Firehouse 03
556|386 4.173
MBoaroff's village
644|516 7.359
MCity's village
642|557 5.459
n3n3's village
566|404 9.280
Noble 006
600|452 10.728
Noble 007
599|453 10.465
Noble 009
582|438 9.920
Noble 010
603|450 10.280
Noble 016
596|453 8.865
566|378 8.956
stoja's village 023
562|388 10.393
stoja's village 026
559|391 9.875
The Circus
591|511 10.157
The Circus
588|511 10.135
The Circus
587|517 10.120
The Circus
581|543 10.393
The Circus
579|543 10.135
The Circus
591|514 10.120
The Circus
592|510 10.145
The Circus
597|510 10.120
The Circus
597|500 10.120
The Circus
593|519 10.120
The Circus
597|509 10.322
The Circus
598|495 10.209
The Circus
594|521 10.135
The Circus
598|510 10.359
The Circus
599|495 10.209
The Circus
597|513 10.145
The Circus
600|507 10.120
The Circus
601|513 10.120
The Circus
598|512 10.135
The Circus
600|508 10.120
The Circus
603|529 10.263
The Circus
602|517 10.135
The Circus
604|509 10.135
The Circus
601|499 10.135
The Circus
604|525 10.157
The Circus
605|495 10.135
The Circus
602|518 10.145
The Circus
603|514 10.455
The Circus
606|523 10.120
The Circus
603|531 10.188
The Circus
608|511 10.135
The Circus
607|495 10.135
The Circus
604|542 10.135
The Circus
605|530 10.126
The Circus
609|522 10.120
The Circus
608|509 10.135
The Circus
610|510 10.135
The Circus
609|536 10.120
The Circus
607|528 10.120
Display all leftover 35 villages
Personal picture
Personal text
here is confetti

Victory achievements
Master of Points

You were the #1 player when World 122 finished.


As an attacker, you defeated the most opponents on World 122.


As a defender, you defeated the most opponents on World 125.


As an attacker, you defeated the most opponents on World 129.

Winning Tribe

You vanquished World 118 with your tribe The Inactives.

Winning Tribe

You vanquished World 122 with your tribe The Quinault.

Winning Tribe

You vanquished World 125 with your tribe Clowns of No Haul.

Other achievements
Years of Service (Gold - Level 6)

Play Tribal Wars for 6 years.

Achievements on other worlds
World 142

World 118

World 122

World 125

World 129