Map Ranking


World dominance
Continent Tribes
Continent Players
Opponents defeated (tribe)
Opponents defeated
In a day
Rank Name Tribe Points Villages Points per village
1 dj paradise SMS 600.168 81 7409
2 ZRO0 Clowns 597.115 99 6031
3 We Lack Creativity TIP 596.788 97 6152
4 Prime Minister Smith SMS 571.636 88 6496
5 wolfie3556 TIP 547.017 77 7104
6 Ruffanzor Clowns 439.734 60 7329
7 Mcman Clowns 423.866 60 7064
8 Olve 423.226 74 5719
9 BUCCI TIP 419.512 60 6992
10 Toothpaste SMS 419.168 63 6653
11 King Wukong BLOOD 405.299 59 6869
12 SMS 404.267 68 5945
13 AdrenaLine. SMS 401.661 44 9129
14 vtrik SMS 400.336 59 6785
15 Alex Ioan TIP 353.539 56 6313
16 POWISLAK BLOOD 350.443 61 5745
17 YouTouchMyTralala BLOOD 346.144 47 7365
18 Airkul BLOOD 334.745 43 7785
19 THE REPTILE SMS 333.265 43 7750
20 basic1 BLOOD 331.720 37 8965
21 impact SMS 328.075 42 7811
22 The Count SMS 321.825 44 7314
23 Josip Broz BLOOD 319.856 38 8417
24 mantvisk TIP 319.759 56 5710
25 Blow TIP 295.983 40 7400
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